The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The ride home...

Well, I was happy to see this little feature on the way home from work last night. It was beautiful the way the light contrasted with the dark clouds... the sun setting in the background. Amazing stuff. It truly is amazing how awesomethe sky can be. I'm definitely a fan of skyscapes. Truly amazing stuff. I actually parked in the same field where I captured lightning once and just snapped off a few for the sake of doing it. Then, as I was leaving that field, I saw this little feature... the rising CU was capturing the light of the fading sun just perfectly, and the cloud was just boiling up and up, grabbing that sunlight. It was a gentle reminder to me of how small we are in the big scheme of things. God has painted yet another pallette for me, and I truly appreciate it. Of course, we didn't get a drop of rain out of any of it. My friend and fellow Brigade member, Alabama Mike wrote a blog about the radar having measles... and how true that is. Hit and miss storms... and with my Dewvoid in high gear... it means that I miss out.

Locally, looks like a ridge is about to move in on Monday, but it shouldn't be long-lasting. We should continue to experience afternoon showers through the rest of the week next week. I'll keep my camera ready. Looks like the big action will take place today over North Cackilacky as Brigade member Carolina Mike (who still hasn't updated his blog... so I'm still caught in the flash flood... eye roll. Mike, you ever going to update?) and Storm Chasing Mikey have the slight risk area, and they are smack dab in the middle of it. I wish I could watch, but I am about to drive out of town, so I can't offer support today. Multicells, hail and wind... sounds fun! Y'all, have fun and be safe!

I'm going to go and get ready for the drive up to North Georgia.



  1. Hi Dew...Thank for the backlink...our measles healed up yesterday and we remain bone dry. Wishing for rain...

  2. You are very welcome, my friend. TWC forecasted afternoon showers for us again today and for the rest of the week. Riiiight....


Dew comment, please...