The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bloggin' Princess Award

Here it is folks, the Bloggin' Princess Award. Of course, it will have to go to my dear princess-like bloggin' friends... sorry guys, you weren't even considered. I would love to give this award to everyone...

Courtney - Back at you! I look forward to your blog everyday, always something new and positive and FUN! You are so full of life and adventure, and I am looking forward to getting to know you more and more. I am so excited for you chasing your dreams with your Photography business. Continue to follow your heart in all that you do. You will soar. Thank you for the award. Hope you don't mind me passing it along.

Jessika - Such passion, such determination. I have watched you take flight since I have known you. You have blossomed into a beautiful flower as you have pursued your dreams, stepped outside yourself and gone after your deepest desire. You are a source of inspiration to me. Keep that determination alive. It is what makes us who we are. I look forward to the day we can chase together. Remember, patience, it's rule number 1.

Phoebe - My Hong Kong friend from the High School days, just yesterday... lol... she always shares the adventures of her "zoo" on her blog. I look forward to seeing the pictures since I cannot read Chinese, but she has actually started including English for my benefit. She is a dear, sweet friend, who I miss dearly.

Beth Ellen - I have never met Beth Ellen, but what a kind woman she is. Always complimenting, and her photography... amazing. She captures the world the way I see it. I enjoy sharing with her praise and compliments. Beautiful stuff.

I have so many others that I enjoy and love, but I will stop it there for now. I hope you will visit and enjoy these wonderful princess blogs.



  1. With a bow I accept the award as along as i can pass to you.
    With your gift of words and your upbeat personality i look forward to reading your blog on a everyday basis!Happy friday the 13th!!

  2. Graciously, thank you. Happy Friday the 13th! TGIF!

  3. (Groan).....please hurry the acceptance speech, the credits are beginning to roll. ;-P

    CONGRATS! We now have a Diva/princess to deal with.You have done an awesome job with your blog Dew. Keep it up!

  4. Is this designed to frustrate single blogging guys?!

  5. Yeah... maybe they will come up with a bloggin' prince award.


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