The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Time to explore...

Well, I got word shortly after leaving South Central Georgia that a huge cell erupted right over my area. Of course, right? Anyway, a case study was done on the Weather Brigade chase team blog by Rick (yeah, thanks for rubbing it in). I knew it was coming, but did it have to happen moments after I left the area... talk about Ma Nature just laughing in my face. So unjust... Of course checking out the local AFD, look what I discovered...

and without lightning, the rest is kind of annoying... it's a 60% POPS, which is just outrageous. It won't stop me though. I have big plans for today. I am really looking forward to exploring the falls of North Georgia. I hope to get some really spectacular photographs. I will be carrying my tripod, and I will be ready for adventure. So, without further ado, I plan to start my adventure right away.

I hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday!!!



  1. Hey, we had a heck of a thunderstorm today(14th). The sky was so dark, the wind was blowing hard. You missed it! We found out that the storm was coming while at our favorite Chinese restaurant. They blasted over the radio "take shelter cloud to ground lightening". I thought of you Dew!

  2. I will, Jess.

    Teresa, Are we surprised??? Sick irony offered up by Ma Nature. I am sure I have wronged her in some way because she definitely has something against me.


Dew comment, please...