The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Just looking ahead now...

Well, Ingrid hit that rough environment and quickly dropped down to a tropical depression. It doesn't look too good for her. That said, the models have suggested a tropical system developing in the Caribbean this week and moving into the Eastern Gulf. As it doesn't exist now, it's hard to really say anything about it, except the models see it as a possibility. The models have been wrong, but it would be "interesting" if that were to happen. Florida might get something this season yet. It'll definitely be something to watch for... I wouldn't evacuate just yet though.

I took this pic last night at sunset. It charmed me. The weather was nice yesterday. Things were starting to cool down into yesterday evening. A cold front is actually a nice relief from what we have been seeing. I know my power bill will be easier to swallow. Things should lull in these next few days. Weatherwise, it's just complete blah-ness.

I am off to get 3 little girls ready for church. Yes, I am a glutten.



  1. te he te he the shadow in the corner looks like a boob:)

  2. LOL, Jess, I didn't even notice that... holy cow.


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