The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
-Psalm 19:1

Do you know that God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash?
-Job 37:15

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tropics still brewing...

Call me crazy, but folks, it looks to me like this little wave out of Africa has finally decided to pull it together. I can't believe the change from yesterday to today. I am pretty confident that today is the day. I believe that we will at least have our TD 8, but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it starts out as Tropical Storm Humberto. Satellite presentation just looks so good today. Environment looks favorable. I really wouldn't be surprised to see this thing just blossom into a full blown storm. Yeah, good ol' Invest 91L is something to watch today. All the models are still showing a storm developing and missing the Lesser Antilles to the North. We could potentially have an east coast threat with this one.

Aside from that, we now have another area of interest just off the coast of Galveston, TX. Conditions are actually favorable for this thing to become a tropical depression today before in moves inland. Basically, it spells more rain for the coast of Texas, which they don't need, but perhaps, Oklahoma will get to see another tropical storm as a result... lol.

As for me... you'll never believe this... yeah right... Yesterday's storms were limited to day time activity, so everything I saw was during the work day, ie, not chaseable. Imagine my frustration when I saw this radar capture, two strong cells approaching me... during work. I did, however, take just a few and pop outside to check it out. It was beautiful to see it on radar, and then run outside to see it roll in, stealing away that brilliant blue sky. As the dark, precipitation-filled clouds approached, the powerful winds started crashing in... they weren't severe by any means, but to feel that wind pressing against me was nice. It reminded me of the outflow boundary I experienced in SD on June 6th. Again, no comparison, but it was fun to remember. Yesterday though, pine needles were shooting like daggers from the tree branches overhead. Pinecones began to beat the pavement. I shot off a few shots and headed back inside to continue my work. It was when I was back at my desk, that I heard two loud thunder rumbles... eye roll. Isn't that always the way? Pardon the cell phone tower, power lines and building in the picture. Unfortunately shooting from the back of my office doesn't offer much of a vantage point. Today's forecast, 70% POPS, showers and thunderstorms likely in the afternoon, on into the evening. Heavy rainfall and wind gusts being the main threat. Fun, fun. The guys still expect the cold front to arrive over the weekend.

That's it for me.

10:15 Update: Sure enough, the NRL has 2 tropical depressions, numbers 8 and 9, listed on their website. That didn't take long. The NHC should come up to speed soon.



  1. We have TD08 and TD09 this morning.....TD08 will be Humberto by tonight. I believe this storm will be the first hurricane to hit the US in almost two years.


  2. Way to keep me posted, Mikey! I knew they were brewing.

  3. Speaking of brewing it's coffee time!! Glad to see Mikey is alive and well. Mornin DD..

  4. Morning, Rick. Hey, Mikey... I agree with the comment about Humberto being a US landfall as a hurricane. I feel it.

  5. Hey Dew "Imagine my frustration when I saw this radar capture, two strong cells approaching me... during work."

    Welcome to my world!

  6. Yeah, Mike. You definitely need to work at a shift change when you make your way down here! Poor thing, always working at the good storm time. I feel your pain!

  7. Rick, NRL is just more timely. I wasn't worried. I knew it would be official at the 11:00. Yahoo, two TDs!!!

  8. Cuz your cool like that....right?

  9. We have Humberto in the Gulf....


  10. LOL! I was just making that post!!!


Dew comment, please...